6 Healthy Tips to Prepare Your Body for the Holidays

Date: Dec 12, 2018


THE HOLIDAYS ARE HERE and so is all the yummy food that comes with them. I normally like to let go and enjoy myself without guilt or pressure.


However, I also try to live by the rules of moderation(different that restriction) which is why every year I try to keep a few things in mind to help me from over loading my gut and throwing things off.


Did you know that binge eating can take a toll on your digestive system, increase blood pressure,  and impair your brain’s insulin function putting you at risk for insulin resistance if done consistently for years?  But, studies also show that even one day of binge eating can negatively impact our blood sugar.(Binge Eating Article)


Now, keep in mind there’s a difference between binge eating and having one or two bites too many. 


Either way, this is one of many reasons why it’s a good idea to practice balance especially during the holiday season when we’re more likely to over eat.  Below are some good habits I like to stay extra mindful of during the holidays to help me from throwing things off in my body.



1.Practice Mindfulness


Practice mindfulness and try to connect with your body’s hunger cues. Eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re satisfied. Half of the time we are satisfied after a certain portion but keep on eating because let’s be real, cookies are freaking delicious! But if you actually stopped eating just a little before getting full(about 80% full), you are allowing your body to digest. You can always go back and eat a little more a few hours later, giving your body a break in between. We won’t always be perfect at this and there will be times when we over do it so don’t guilt yourself over it but simply try to be mindful of it for next time. 


Also, remember to chew your food throughly and stop to takes breaths while you’re eating;)


2.Get That Workout In


If you know you’re going to be eating more than usual and adding foods that are not normally in your diet, then keep up those workouts. The holidays are more likely to cause us to lose track of our routine so just make sure you keep up with your lifestyle. Don’t let go because you get a little busier. Make an active effort to keep up with your usual lifestyle that includes all your favorite workouts and usual fitness routine. Even 20 minutes of exercise can go a long way. Just make sure you put it in and your body and health will thank you for it.


3.Monitor Sugary Drinks


Yup! I know this can be hard during the holidays when eggnog and pumpkin spice lattes are the popular drinks of the season but typically these are loaded with sugar that are often refined. I’m not saying don’t have them at all. If you want it, go for it. But making it a daily thing may not be a good idea. Experiment with healthier options like matcha, beet, or turmeric lattes made with non-dairy milk and sweetened with raw honey, agave, or coconut sugar. Yummy holiday drinks can be healthy too!



4.Stay Away from Snacking on Too Many Sweets


Okay so I know this can be hard especially with all the yummy sugar and butter cookies going around. I’m not saying you can’t have cookies. I have cookies all year around but desserts are extra popular during the holidays and it’s easy to lose track when they’re always going around the holiday platters.  Trust me, I know! I loooooove desserts too. However, studies show that the longer breaks we take from meal to meal the more efficient our digestion will be. Giving our bodies at least 4 hours before putting something else in our mouth will improve gut health which can be huge during this time of the year. Besides, back to #3. Watch those refined sugars.



5.Don’t Forget Those Veggies


During the holidays it can be easy to fill our plates with fatty meats, potatoes, and every form of sweet available on the table but try to fill at least two thirds of your plate with some form of vegetable. I don’t mean broccoli and cheese or green beans soaked in butter but a clean steamed vegetable that will help your digestive system  remain healthy. Broccoli is a great vegetable option. It is incredibly filling because of its high fiber which can help keep us from over eating. It is also great source of vitamins K, C, folic acid, and potassium among many other benefits. But any veggie will be a great choice.



6.Apple Cider and Turmeric Shots

(DO NOT do this one if you suffer from acid reflux)


This is a great little trick you can do for before you know you’ll be having lots of food. It’ll aid your digestion and help with inflammation which as we know, can be a problem when eating too much salt, sugar, and alcoholic drinks. Here’s what you do:


-1 oz of apple cider vinegar

-1/4 tsp of turmeric

-Small pinch of black pepper

Take this as a shot before you’re about to eat a lot of food.  You can also add a splash of water to help with the taste. Another option is to have it at night as your bed time tea with a cup of hot water. Doing this a few times a week should help maintain a balanced PH and keep inflammation at bay.


This time of the year is about so much more than just delicious food. Enjoy all the wonderful cuisine that comes with it but also try to find fulfillment in the gift of family time, break from work routine, cozy pj’s, and of course, SEQUINS 😉 Who doesn’t love that holiday fashion, am I right?


“The holiday season is a perfect time to reflect in our blessings and seek out ways to make life better for those around us” – Terri Marshall




If you’re looking for some delicious, healthy, and energizing recipes, check out my app where I share dozens of recipes and amazing high intensity mat flows that will keep your abs on check;)






