Vilmaliz Bosque is a Certified Pilates Instructor, whose expertise is in building core strength and muscle activation. With over 10 years of hands-on teaching experience, she has a deep understanding of the body, merging both classical and contemporary pilates - with traditional strength techniques to increase strength and muscle tone.

Since completing 750-hours of comprehensive classical pilates training, she has expanded her knowledge and acquired certifications as a Registered Yoga Teacher and Certified Personal Trainer with the National Academy of Sports Medicine.

She has worked with elite brands such as Equinox, and runs her own digital streaming platform called VB METHOD.

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Bosque takes a holistic view of health, helping her community reach a place of self love– not just through movement, but with mindset and lifestyle guidance as well.

My Story

Exercise is my therapeutic outlet

Throughout my childhood, I saw the people I love the most self-destruct, and suffer from chronic pain and illness without the tools to support their health and wellbeing. As I grew older, I began to follow the same path.

At age 23, after a destructive phase of my life, I had my first bout of anxiety and panic attacks which opened my eyes about how I was living my life. I realized I was lacking balance. As I committed myself to unlearning old patterns, I found fitness. 

I started running and lifting weights, which had a significant impact on my mental health. Fear and anxiety began to dissipate, and I began my journey to healing.

Building a connection with my body

I discovered classical Pilates a few years into my new lifestyle and fell in love. I learned to connect with my body in a way I had never experienced before, relieving tension after years of back pain. Pilates taught me to build strength, connect with my body, and push myself to limits– beyond what I ever thought I was capable of.

Challenging myself to learn all these new exercises that once felt impossible made me feel powerful and confident: which is exactly why I’m inspired to help others experience that feeling for themselves.

Learning to understand our bodies is one of the greatest gifts we can get from a fitness practice. Early in my Pilates journey, I learned that the beauty behind a truly strong, capable body comes from the inside out. My motivation to workout doesn’t come from social standards but from the process itself, the challenge behind each movement, and the discipline required.

One of my greatest fitness accomplishments has been seeing my body evolve into what now feels like an invincible version of myself.

My Secret Formula

After years of experimenting with various forms of movement, I learned that overdoing one form of workout method can lead to imbalance, put stress on our body, or simply not give results.

I discovered that combining pilates with traditional strength techniques, and cardio was an antidote to those concerns. This unique, diversified routine allowed me to achieve the balance I’d always been seeking in my fitness practice.

That’s exactly why I created VB METHOD:

An efficient methodology that provides results, with no need to over-exercise trying to force my body to look like someone else’s – but instead I get to work on and embrace my unique physique.


My Latin culture back home in Puerto Rico culturally idealizes curvy figures – which, in all honesty, is the exact opposite of my body type.

Growing up, I internalized the messages telling me I wasn’t pretty or sexy enough, that I needed bigger hips or voluptuous glutes. Like most women, I know what it feels to obsess over what’s perceived to be ‘wrong’ with our bodies, rather than loving and celebrating our uniqueness. It has taken commitment to inner perspective work to love my body as it is. I no longer give power to social trends telling me I am
less worthy.

I focus on building strength, while respecting my body and sculpting the figure I have.

Self-love above everything

After coaching for over 10+ years and working with thousands of women with varying stories, cultural standards, physical builds, and genetics, I now believe all women have the capacity to use fitness and a balanced lifestyle to help them love and care for their whole being.

Self love starts with learning to accept where we are at any given moment. Once we learn to be kind with ourselves, the habits we continue to build have a healing and transformational impact.

My mission is to give women a sustainable option for pursuing health and fitness, allowing them to achieve physical transformation by simply reaching their own body’s unique potential. It’s time we all felt great in our own skin.

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Connect with me on IG for mini workouts, fitness motivation and wellness inspiration.