Are You Doing the Right Moves to Tone the Abs You Want?

Date: Mar 20, 2019

Did you know the technique you use to work your core will determine how your abs will tone?

There are 3 different looks I will talk about. A six-pack, oblique lines, and that middle line in your abs.

Before I break down which exercises and technique to do for what, I should clarify that genetics do matter along with skeletal structure. And yes, abs ARE made in the kitchen too. But, as someone who’s done a lot of different abdominal work, I KNOW that you can also shape your core a certain way with the right exercises, technique, and consistency. With this being said, I will always go back to my motto, “QUALITY OVER QUANTITY.”

When quality movement is applied, not only are we working smarter but we’re also making sure we’re strengthening our core to assist with functional day to day lifestyle movements. This helps keep us from injury promoting better posture among many other benefits.

However, if you want to take advantage of not only the functional but also the aesthetic benefits, then keep on reading.

  • The Six-Pack

What is the six-pack exactly? Well, your six pack is the outer layer of your abdominal muscles also called the rectus abdominals. This exterior layer of your abs plays a huge role in spinal flexion or forward bending movements. So in order to work this muscle, we must be in the right position to help activate it.

There are 4 main things I like to keep in mind when I want to activate this muscle, make it pop, and burn.

1.Flexion– One of the best positions to help activate your six-pack muscle is spinal flexion as mentioned above. So abdominal work that involves ab curls or crunch like positions are highly efficient to help not only activate but isolate it as well(ex. ab curls, crunches, roll ups, etc.). Also, static exercises will help activate the rectus abdominals such as V ups, teaser, or even planks among a few. These can all be combined for a killer six-pack burning routine. But keep in mind that simply doing these exercise won’t necessarily give you a six-pack. There are a couple of things you’d want to add to your spinal flexion work such as the three tips below.

2.Add Weights-After many years of doing core work, I’ve discovered that adding weights to my ab routine can help enhance these muscles. When we add weights to an ab curl, we’re loading this muscle with external resistance outside of our own body weight and gravity thus forcing it to work harder. The more consistently I add weights to my core work, the more my six-pack muscle will show. But I’m not talking about 2-3 lbs. You’d have to go heavier. Anywhere from 5-10 lbs should do but you also want to do this pretty consistently in order to achieve the benefits of the extra resistance.

3.Pulse It– Pulse, pulse, and pulse some more. I’m a huge fan of pulses because these help not only engage but also fatigue our muscles which increases both, muscle endurance and stamina. Now, pulsing by itself won’t give you a six-pack. You’d want to do that plus add the weights and the last tip below.

4. Push It Out– Yup!! When we contract our abdominals correctly we’re essentially pushing them out. While a lot of core work in pilates is cued to pull the abs in, this helps more with that middle line that divides our six pack which I will talk about more below. But pushing or popping your abs while you are working them will help engage you rectus abdominals(six-pack muscle) more effectively. I suggest keeping your pelvic floor engaged while you do this to avoid a wider shape at your lower waist. Focus on keeping the pelvic floor in, ribs tight, while outwardly contracting your six-pack for more of a leaner look. Aka. “tighten your corset”. Applying this technique will help you target this muscle and make it pop.

  • Sexy Obliques

Obliques are probably the sexiest of the abdominal muscles and to be honest, they’re not that hard to get. All you have to do is know how to work them correctly and remain consistent with your work. The external obliques above our ribs are especially easier to build because this is where we tend to carry the least fat. Outer layers and/or bigger muscles such as the external obliques and our six pack don’t take too much work to tone up as long as you have a decent diet and remain consistent with your routine.

The internal obliques are a deeper layer of the oblique muscles that run all the way through your side and even back sides of your lower back. They’re much deeper and therefore harder to build. We also tend to accumulate most of our weight there which also plays a huge role on why these muscles don’t build as easily.

The best way to tap into your obliques is by doing side bending and deep rotation work which will definitely help you build and strengthen this muscle. Different variations of side planks are my favorite exercises to work both, the internal and external oblique muscles.

  • That Middle Line

That pretty middle line in the center of your core is called “linea alba” and it fuses both sides of your six pack together. It’s actually more of a tendinous band and the hollow line you see is the middle of your six-pack. However, this line can be defined by practicing abdominal work while pulling your abs in. This is the stuff we do in pilates and it’s slightly opposite from the pushing out feeling I suggest when trying to get a six-pack. That’s not to say that you couldn’t get this line when doing basic rectus abdominals work because again, this line is part of your six pack. However, if you want to isolate this line and get more of an Emily Ratajkowski core, then consider pulling in and up rather than pushing out when doing your rectus abdominals work. Also, exclude heavier weights and minimize high rep pulses. Pulling your abs in will also engage deeper muscles of your abs so I personally consider this technique more effective and functional.

Lastly, keep in mind that building your abdominal muscles is something you can’t do overnight so give it time and be patient.

Consistency and technique are key to helping you achieve all your fitness goals. Stay focused, enjoy the process, and keep it up!

I hope you found this post helpful. If you want some guidance on how to tone your core, sculpt, and strengthen your body, check out the VB METHOD. I’m currently offering a 7 day FREE trial so you can try it out before having to commit.

Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. I’d love to hear from you!





